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Saturday Morning Cafe Online

March 15 @ 9:30 am 10:30 am

Start your Saturday morning with La Leche League of Durham. We offer free support for your nursing journey and a chance to get to know others. Your journey may be going well and you just want to touch base and share the moment with others on the journey, or you have run into a new challenge and are looking for support. Either way and in all ways, you are welcome!

Heart shape with words describing benefits, such as connection, comfort, memories, cuddles, snuggles, loving, health

Your questions and concerns are always the top priority

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/rzo-dqdh-gcp

Running late? Need to leave early? No worries! Hop on and off the call as needed. You are on baby (and older child)-schedule.

Online Durham Daytime Group

Durham, NC United States
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