First Wednesday Morning Group

Online Durham Daytime Group, Durham, NC

GET SUPPORT!  ASK QUESTIONS!  SHARE YOUR JOYS and CHALLENGES!   Your questions and concerns are always the top priority! We also will be talking about Myths and Facts. Running late or need to leave early? No worries! Join the call when you are able. You are on baby- and family-schedule, and the morning doesn’t always go as expected.  Join with Google … Continue reading First Wednesday Morning Group

3rd Thursday Morning *In Person*!

Carolina Birth and Wellness 5850 Fayetteville Rd, Suite 202, Durham, North Carolina

GET SUPPORT!  ASK QUESTIONS!  SHARE JOYS & CHALLENGES! Your questions and concerns are always the top priority! We also will talk about How Do I Cook, Sleep, Clean, Relax...?!" Location: Carolina Birth and Wellness, 5850 Fayetteville Rd, Ste 202, Durham, NC 27713  Running late or need to leave early? No worries! Stop in anytime. You are on baby-schedule, and … Continue reading 3rd Thursday Morning *In Person*!

3rd Saturday Café *Online*

Online Durham Daytime Group, Durham, NC

GET SUPPORT!  ASK QUESTIONS!  SHARE JOYS & CHALLENGES! Your questions and concerns are always the top priority!  Join with Google Meet: Running late? Need to leave early? No worries! Hop on and off the call as needed. You are on baby and Saturday-morning-family schedule.