Calendar of Events
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LLL Durham PM Virtual Hangout – April 27 at 6:30pm
LLL Durham PM Virtual Hangout – April 27 at 6:30pm
Our regular monthly series meetings are 2nd Mondays of the month, but we thought it would be fun to have a more casual cafe-type meeting on other Mondays for now. Bring breastfeeding questions or just come to hang out! ——————-  Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 797 4591 4178  One tap mobile  +13126266799,,99693332050# US (Chicago)  +16465588656,,99693332050# US … Continue reading LLL Durham PM Virtual Hangout – April 27 at 6:30pm
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Central Durham LLL Group meets ONLINE on Wednesday, May 6th, at 10am
Central Durham LLL Group meets ONLINE on Wednesday, May 6th, at 10am
The Central Durham La Leche League Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am. (No meetings in January and July.) The May 6th meeting is ONLINE. Where: Get support! Ask questions! Share experiences! Your questions and concerns are always the top priority! We also will be talking about Starting Solids. Come with … Continue reading Central Durham LLL Group meets ONLINE on Wednesday, May 6th, at 10am
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Durham (PM) Evening Group meets online Monday, May 11
Durham (PM) Evening Group meets online Monday, May 11
La Leche League of Durham (PM) Evening Group meets on Monday, May 11th, at 6:30pm. Zoom meeting ID is Get support! Ask questions! Share experiences! Your questions and concerns are always the top priority! We also will be talking about The Importance of Breastfeeding. Come with your questions and share your concerns and successes!
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Durham South LLL Group meets ONLINE, Thursday, May 21st, at 10:30am
Durham South LLL Group meets ONLINE, Thursday, May 21st, at 10:30am
The Durham (AM) South La Leche League Group meets ONLINE on the third Thursday of each month at 10:30am. Where: Get support! Ask questions! Share experiences! Your questions and concerns are always the top priority! We also will be talking about What is "Normal?" Come with your questions and share your concerns and successes!