Check out other local Group below or the La Leche League USA (LLL USA) Facebook Events page or website Locator to find additional meetings to meet your needs.
La Leche League of Wake County

Meetings Every 3rd Saturday Starting in March 10:30-11:30am PhysioFit of NC 12335 Wake Union Church Rd Wake Forest, NC 27585
La Leche League of Alamance County
- Fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm via zoom. You can find the zoom information here.
La Leche League of Chapel Hill
La Leche League of Chatham County
- First Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm via zoom. Zoom information is available here.
La Leche League USA (LLL USA)
If you don’t see a meeting close to you or at a time that works for you, please use the LLL USA meeting Locator or Events. Feel free to contact the LLL USA Leader closest to you or look for yellow-orange pins on the map for the virtual meetings that are available. The events page also includes online meetings, as well as in-person meetings.